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How To Create A Razorpay Account And Generate API Keys?

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How To Create A Razorpay Account And Generate API Keys?
To use Razorpay's payment gateway, subscription-based payment, payment links and other services. we use must need API keys ( public and private keys) in order to integrate these services with our code. The API keys are unique string pattern which links our Razorpay account with the interaction code.

 Step1: Signup

Create an account on Razorpay using the link (https://easy.razorpay.com/onboarding).

Step2: Login

After successful signup, Login to the dashboard (https://dashboard.razorpay.com/signin).

Step3: Generate API keys (public and private keys)


  • Click on Settings in the sidebar, the Choose API Keys Menu Option and click Generate Test Key button


  • Copy the key id (public key) and key Secret (private key). Store it in a secure place.

