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Celery is an open-source python library that runs asynchronous tasks and can be scheduled for running tasks periodically. It uses message brokers like Redis and RabbitMQ to send and receive messages.
You can find the full source code for the Celery with Django example project at the GitHub repo
In this article, we will explain the steps needed to configure periodic tasks.
Ubuntu machine
Python 3.8
Django 4.0.2 or above
If you want to create a Django project from scratch, please read the following article.
If you like to run periodic tasks on the existing Django project, then navigate to the project directory.
1cd <django_project_directory>
3For example:
4cd /home/mahen/blog/django/django_celery_project
Install the celery package using the pip package manager.
1python3 -m pip install -U celery[redis]
Verify the installed celery version by executing the following command.
1celery --version
It’ll prompt the version details as shown in the following screenshot.
Install Redis using the apt package manager.
1sudo apt install redis -y
Start redis-server using the following command.
1sudo systemctl start redis-server.service
Enable redis-server. This command helps to start the redis server automatically as soon as the server rebooted.
1sudo systemctl enable redis-server.service
Check the status of the redis server, by running the below command.
1redis-cli ping
If redis is running successfully, it will return a PONG message.
A sample screenshot for the redis-cli ping command is shown below.
Now it's time to integrate celery with our Django project.
Navigate to the Django core app directory.
1cd sample_app/
Create a file named celery.py with the following snippet.
1from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
2import os
4from celery import Celery
6# Set the default Django settings module for the 'celery' program.
7# "sample_app" is name of the root app
8os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'sample_app.settings')
10app = Celery( 'celery_app',
11 broker='redis://localhost:6379/0',
12 backend='redis://localhost:6379/0'
13 )
15# Load task modules from all registered Django apps.
In the above code, we just created the Celery instance called app, and to use Celery within our project we simply import this celery instance.
A sample celery.py file can be found in the following git repository file.
Add the below code in the __init.py__ file present in the current directory.
1from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
2from .celery import app as celery_app
4__all__ = ('celery_app',)
A sample __init__.py file can be found in the following git repository file.
Now navigate to the project root directory.
1cd ../
And run the following command to test the above configurations in the Django app directory.
1celery -A sample_app worker -l info
Note:* sample_app - Name of your celery app mentioned in the celery.py file
An example execution screenshot is given below for your reference.
Now we create the tasks which are going to be executed in a specific interval or periodically.
Tasks can be created within any app of the project under the filename tasks.py (so that celery can auto-discover them)
Navigate to any of the Django app directories from Django core app directory.
1cd ../test_app/
Create a file named tasks.py
1touch tasks.py
Import the celery instance and create tasks named task_one and task_two as follows.
1from sample_app.celery import app
4def task_one():
5 print(" task one called and worker is running good")
6 return "success"
9def task_two(data, *args, **kwargs):
10 print(f" task two called with the argument {data} and worker is running good")
11 return "success"
Note:* @app.task
defines the functions as a celery task
A sample tasks.py file can be found in the following git repository file.
A worker is a celery application, which runs and manages tasks.
Navigate to the Django project directory.
1cd <django_project_directory>
3For example:
4cd /home/mahen/blog/django/django_celery_project
Start the worker using the following command.
1celery -A sample_app worker -l info
If the worker is started successfully, then it will print the tasks in the terminal as shown in the below screenshot.
Now that the tasks are loaded, we are going to test the celery tasks, by invoking them from the Django shell.
Open a new terminal without stopping the celery worker (i.e celery -A celery_app worker -l info
Activate Django Shell by executing the below command
python3 manage.py shell
Import the tasks into the shell.
from test_app.tasks import task_one, task_two
Then call the tasks using delay()
Now go to the terminal where the celery worker was running and you'll see that task_one and task_two are called and printed the results as shown in the following screenshot.
To run tasks at regular intervals we need a scheduler(Beat) and schedule configuration for respective tasks. We will see about the scheduler in the next step, now we need to add the configuration for the tasks.
In the settings.py file under the Django core app directory, please append the following snippet.
1from celery.schedules import crontab
2from datetime import datetime
3CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE = { # scheduler configuration
4 'Task_one_schedule' : { # whatever the name you want
5 'task': 'test_app.tasks.task_one', # name of task with path
6 'schedule': crontab(), # crontab() runs the tasks every minute
7 },
8 'Task_two_schedule' : { # whatever the name you want
9 'task': 'test_app.tasks.task_two', # name of task with path
10 'schedule': 30, # 30 runs this task every 30 seconds
11 'args' : {datetime.now()} # arguments for the task
12 },
The configuration is placed under the variable CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE.
Configuration is given as the key, value pair. Key is the name for the configuration and the value dictionary contains the configuration.
The task key defines the task (likely the specific path {app_name}.tasks.{task_name}).
The schedule key defines the time interval for the task. (for more crontab configurations click here).
The args key defines the arguments to be passed into the task.
A sample settings.py can be found in the following git repository file.
Celery Beats is a scheduler, which will read the schedule configuration mentioned in Step 5 and invokes them at the defined time.
Navigate to the Django project directory.
1cd <django_directory>
Start the beat by running the following command in the new terminal.
1celery -A sample_app beat -l info
Always start the celery worker before starting beats
The beat will invoke the worker with configured tasks and print the results. A Sample screenshot for the same is shown below.
Navigate to the worker terminal and check the execution results as shown in the following reference screenshot.
We can save the result of the celery to our database for various purposes. To do that we need a library named django-celery-results.
Install the Django celery results by running the command.
1python3 -m pip install django-celery-results
Add django_celery_results
in our project’s settings.py
2 ...
3 'test_app',
4 'django_celery_results',
Run the migrations command to create the Celery database.
1python manage.py migrate django_celery_results
Now that you can see the tables django_celery_results
have been created.
An example screenshot is given below for your reference.
Appending the following line to the settings.py file.
In order to start the celery automatically after the server reboot, we are going to configure the celery under the supervisor service.
On Ubuntu, we can install supervisor as a Debian package, to do so run the following command.
1sudo apt-get install supervisor -y
Navigate to the supervisor configuration directory and create a file named celery.conf.
1cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
2touch celery.conf
Add the following line to the celery.conf
1; ==========================================
2; celery worker config
3; ==========================================
5[program: worker]
6command=/home/mahen/blog/django/.venv/bin/celery -A sample_app worker -l info
15stopwaitsecs = 600
18; priority 998 executes first and then 999
20; ========================================
21; celery beat config
22; ========================================
24[program: beat]
25command=/home/mahen/blog/django/.venv/bin/celery -A sample_app beat -l info
34stopwaitsecs = 600
: This is the name of the supervisor’s daemon process (name of your convenience)
: The command used to run the processor with the path for celery.
To know the path to celery, enter the command which celery
and add the output before the celery command.
: The directory in which the project runs. Here is the path of the Django project.
: Username of the server or computer. Usually ubuntu here.
: Logfile location. (any)
: Error logfile locations.(any)
A sample configuration file celery.conf can be found in the following git repository file.
To fetch the latest celery configuration changes added to the supervisor, please execute the below command.
1sudo supervisorctl reread
To make the supervisor update the celery configuration, run the following command.
1sudo supervisorctl update
To view the supervisor processes status run the following command.
1sudo supervisorctl
3sudo supervisorctl status all
If the supervisor process is already started, please run the following command to start the process.
1sudo supervisorctl start all
An example screenshot is given below for your reference.
Helpful Commands for your reference:
sudo supervisorctl start process_name
sudo supervisorctl stop process_name
sudo supervisorctl restart process_name