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How to install an Elastic Enterprise Search (Appsearch) on Ubuntu?

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How to install an Elastic Enterprise Search (Appsearch) on Ubuntu?
Developing a Text based search application is a tideous and time-consuming job. Elastic - Enterprise search is easy to use solution built on top of elastic search to provide search features. Self-managed Enterprise search installation steps for the Ubuntu server are explained here.


Elasticsearch is the heart of the Elastic Stack, providing very powerful search, aggregation and analytics capabilities. App Search is a part of the Elastic Enterprise Search solution and can be deployed either on the cloud or on-premise. It should be noted that it is free but not open-sourced.

Flow diagram:

flow diagram

Prerequisites :

  • Ubuntu Server


Step 1: Install Elasticsearch and Kibana

To install Elasticsearch and Kibana follow the steps in the below reference page.

Ref – How to configure Elasticsearch and Kibana setup

  • Identify the exact version of Elasticsearch (for example: 8.3.2 ) and try to download the same version of enterprise search. Otherwise it will lead to conflicts.

1wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/enterprise-search/enterprise-search-8.3.2.deb
  • Install it by executing the following command.

1apt install ./enterprise-search-8.3.2.deb
  • Navigate to Kibana configuration directory.


  • Update the kibana.yml with following enterpriseSearch host configurations.

enterpriseSearch.host: http://localhost:3002

  • Navigate to Enterprise search configuration directory.
    cd /usr/share/enterprise-search/config

  • Update the enterprisesearch.yml with following configurations.

1allow_es_settings_modification: true 2secret_management.encryption_keys: [ENCRYPTION_KEYS] 3elasticsearch.username: elastic 4elasticsearch.password: <ELASTIC_USER_PASSWORD> 5elasticsearch.host: 6elasticsearch.ssl.enabled: true 7elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authority: <PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE> 8kibana.external_url: http://localhost:5601
  • also update the enterprisesearch.yml with following ent_search.listen host and port configurations.

ent_search.listen.port: 3002

  • A sample Enterprise search configuration can be found in following git repository file.

  • Navigate to Enterprisesearch installation directory and run the following script.

1cd /usr/share/enterprise-search 2bin/enterprise-search

If java is not found error occurs . run sudo apt install default-jre.

A security key prompt on the screen. Please save the key in a text file .


  • To check enterprise search is running, In kibana Enterprise search > App search.

