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Elasticsearch is the heart of the Elastic Stack, providing very powerful search, aggregation and analytics capabilities. App Search is a part of the Elastic Enterprise Search solution and can be deployed either on the cloud or on-premise. It should be noted that it is free but not open-sourced.
Ubuntu Server
To install Elasticsearch and Kibana follow the steps in the below reference page.
Ref – How to configure Elasticsearch and Kibana setup
Identify the exact version of Elasticsearch (for example: 8.3.2 ) and try to download the same version of enterprise search. Otherwise it will lead to conflicts.
1wget https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/enterprise-search/enterprise-search-8.3.2.deb
Install it by executing the following command.
1apt install ./enterprise-search-8.3.2.deb
Navigate to Kibana configuration directory.
Update the kibana.yml with following enterpriseSearch host configurations.
enterpriseSearch.host: http://localhost:3002
Navigate to Enterprise search configuration directory.cd /usr/share/enterprise-search/config
Update the enterprisesearch.yml with following configurations.
1allow_es_settings_modification: true
2secret_management.encryption_keys: [ENCRYPTION_KEYS]
3elasticsearch.username: elastic
4elasticsearch.password: <ELASTIC_USER_PASSWORD>
6elasticsearch.ssl.enabled: true
7elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authority: <PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE>
8kibana.external_url: http://localhost:5601
also update the enterprisesearch.yml with following ent_search.listen host and port configurations.
ent_search.listen.port: 3002
A sample Enterprise search configuration can be found in following git repository file.
Navigate to Enterprisesearch installation directory and run the following script.
1cd /usr/share/enterprise-search
If java is not found error occurs . run sudo apt install default-jre
A security key prompt on the screen. Please save the key in a text file .
To check enterprise search is running, In kibana Enterprise search > App search.