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When you’re sending data through a web application/website if the transaction is not encrypted anyone with enough technical knowledge can interpret the transaction and steal any confidential information in it.
To address this problem with web technologies a new version of the HTTP protocol was introduced. It was called HTTPS ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). Any service using this protocol can encrypt its data end to end.
But to encrypt the data we need to buy an SSL certificate from a private organisation. There are a few open-source organisations that provide free SSL certificates one of them is Lets Encrypt. In this tutorial, we are going to use the Let’s encrypt service to install a free SSL certificate.
Ubuntu server with Nginx setup
Domain configure with Nginx as the default site or virtual host
Map ubuntu server public IP to domain name DNS
Update ubuntu apt repository list
1sudo apt update
Install snapd
1sudo apt install snapd -y
2sudo snap install core;
3sudo snap refresh core
install certbot using snap
1sudo snap install --classic certbot
Prepare the Certbot command
1sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot
= your email which associate with the SSL Certificate
= Respective domain name to install SSL Certificate ( eg: episyche.com )
1sudo certbot --nginx --non-interactive --keep-until-expiring --renew-with-new-domains --agree-tos --email <email_id> --no-eff-email --domains "<domain_name>"
Visit your domain with a browser, now you see an additional lock symbol at the address bar and HTTPS protocol added to your domain name.
An example output screenshot is given below: